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Arif Widiyanto

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Arif Widiyanto founded a business with the Media Esthetic brand in 2005 engaging in landscape, then after graduating from Diponegoro University in 2007, he joined PT. BPW engaging in construction in Semarang, moved to Jakarta in 2010 and joined PT BBP as a retail manager. in 2012, he founded a company with Andria Suseno in the field of interior and construction design with the brand "Gresth Interior" and held the position of CEO, then in 2013 revived "Media Esthetic" a.k.a. "Medtic" focusing on interior office & Landscape. In 2017, he established Gresth Living focusing on Modern Classic Interiors, and "Gresth Manufacture" accepting interior productions from both own brands and from other brands. In 2019 he revived "Gresth Build" which had been on hiatus for almost 2 years, together with Andria Suseno and Agus Triyono, engaging in construction. Then in 2020, together with Andria Suseno, Arief Mubaroq and Noval Cecar, he founded "Gresth Architects" focusing on the field of Architecture planning consultancy.

© 2020 by Gresth Architects

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